What is the Pact for Skills in Tourism

The Pact for Skills in Tourism is the tool to address current and future challenges through a close cooperation between social partners, training and education system, and public authorities. It broadens the outcomes of the Blueprint on Sectoral Cooperation to address skills needs and overall higher qualification of the tourism workforce, reducing job insecurity and improving working conditions. The Pact aims to upskill and reskill 10% of the workforce each year from 2022 to 2030.
The Pact for Skills in Tourism sets the vision of 12 objectives and indicators, to be achieved until 2030 across Europe.
They include amongst others:
Improving and extending the skills
of the full tourism workforce
More hands-on learning and training
through blended concepts Retain current workers, and attract new employees to work in tourism
Detect new skills at an early stage
and provide quick training opportunities to avoid gaps
- Improve the qualification of work force with skills that they really need
- Tourism services get more competitive and resilient
- Quality of jobs – higher motivation of your team and less fluctuation of staff
- Quick detection of new skills requirements in tourism
- Direct participation in education and implementation policies
- Tailor-made training programmes that fit your local and regional needs Experience exchange with other regions and countries

aims at reshaping the Tourism micro & SMEs by upskilling them over the green and digital skillsets in order to build a tourism sector of tomorrow that is economically, digitally and environmentally viable in long-term.

envisions to create excellence in Tourism through a bottom-up approach where the Education providers of the partnership will enhance their ability to adapt skills provision to everchanging economic and social needs.

project is the continuation of NTG - Next Tourism Generation Alliance, so a Blueprint which aims to map out competencies in tourism and hospitality as they evolve, with a perspective until 2030.
The Pact for Skills in Tourism will yield best results where needs are concrete and practical political decisions can be taken: in the member states of the EU and its regions. For this reason, the first of the 12 above-mentioned objectives is setting up National or Regional Skills Partnerships (NRSPs).
These partnerships include representatives from all sub-sectors and sizes of tourism services, education and training system, destinations, and the public sector. They shall set up an annual work programme around concrete objectives that address concrete issues related with skills in their area. This will include detection of gaps between required and existing skills levels; new skills, competences and/or occupational profiles required for the sector; concerted design and planning of annual training programmes etc.
Inform your organisation about your wish to participate.
The entities that distribute this document agreed to work together in the process of setting up National Regional Skills Partnerships. Interest will be gathered and evaluated at EU level for further targeted joint support actions, with technical assistance provided by the PacTS4ALL consortium.
Large-Scale Partnership coordinators and members